5 Myths About Foundation Cracks You Need To Stop Believing

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5 Myths About Foundation Cracks You Need To Stop Believing

There are few things that put as much fear and dread into the heart of a homeowner than discovering a crack in the foundation. As scary as it looks to the untrained eye, don’t get caught up in the myths most people incorrectly believe about foundation fissures.

Filling a Crack Is as Good as Fixing It

Usually it’s one part denial and the other part industriousness, but many homeowners think they can simply fill in the crack and forget it ever happened. While it certainly hides the problem for a while, it doesn’t address the root cause.

Repairing a Foundation Is Too Expensive

The people who do foundation crack repair Tulsa OK recommend homeowners get estimates right away. As with any other home maintenance issue, waiting does nothing but allow the problem to progress longer and become more severe. In this way, you can’t afford to not get it fixed.

Overwatering Plants Made It Happen

It makes sense to blame excess watering for foundation cracks and leaks, but that is actually a misconception about the way soil works. When soil around the foundation gets too dry, it hardens and contracts, making it unable to absorb water after heavy rain. Plants actually help maintain the proper moisture in the soil, so don’t be afraid to give them the right hydration they deserve.

Workmanship Is To Blame

You may be inclined to point fingers at the builder, but foundation issues can be caused by all sorts of factors. Shoddy workmanship certainly accounts for a fair share, but other conditions are more likely to blame the longer your house has been standing.

Prevention Is Impossible

With such a big problem, you may be inclined to throw up your hands in surrender. However, there are things you can do to proactively protect your foundation, like adding mulch to flower beds near the home and keeping downspouts and gutters clean.

Believing the many myths about foundation repair can lead to more problems and headaches. Rest easy that you now know the difference between fact and fiction when it comes to foundations.