3 Ways to Freshen Up Your Kitchen and Bathroom

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3 Ways to Freshen Up Your Kitchen and Bathroom

After months of wear and tear, your bathroom and kitchen may seem dull to you. Thankfully, there are plenty of fun and invigorating ideas you can use to remodel or fix up these rooms.

Learning more about these methods can help you transform your rooms into fresh new places to relax.

1. Pick Different Paint

The first thing many people notice when they first walk into a place is how the walls look. Picking out a paint color that matches the tone of the area, such as whether you typically get more sunlight or not, can help make guests feel welcome and comfortable.

Plain white may be a common choice for a heavily used room like a kitchen and bath, but adding a dash of color may help the whole area feel more lively. Coordinating your furniture with the color scheme can also help the room feel more polished.

2. Find New Countertops

One of the most used surfaces in any kitchen and bath area are your countertops. Whether you are chopping vegetables or using the sink to wash your hands, these areas are a staple of your daily life. If you find your old countertops are too dull or outdated, then you may want to invest in newer ones.

This change can transform how roomy your bathroom or kitchen looks with just a simple switch. There are also many kinds, such as granite or marble, to choose from.

3. Rearrange Decorations

Being able to relax and put your feet up at the end of the day may feel tough when your rooms do not have decorations that match the theme or color scheme of the rest of the room. Even switching around a few simple decorations, like lamps or picture frames, can help you customize an entire area. These design changes can help you renew and refresh your kitchen and bathroom.